More About Me

Realtor ®

When you're ready to buy or sell a home, I will bring the level of professionalism and creativity needed to get the job done well. Choosing an agent with Coldwell Banker Schneidmiller gives you a whole team of people who have the experience and resources for finding or selling a home as quickly as possible.My background is in public administration, specifically economic development and writing housing elements for county general plans. I have a Master's in Public Administration. Before entering public administration, I served as a school principal. After being part of a large annexation to get school property from the County into a local city, I decided planning and economic development were where my skills could best be used.The knowledge and experience I gained from public and educational administration has helped me see both the business side of real estate as well as the planning side of community development.I enjoy the active living lifestyle that the Pacific Northwest offers. I'm looking forward to helping you enjoy it too!